
welcome to the new

"Someone's boring me.  I think it's me."  - Dylan Thomas

Or in lesser terms...

"Oh stewardess, I speak Jive."

In terms of this blog, something which I've told myself I'm going to do for quite some time now.  I think the first quote is the most applicable.  In terms of what it's about, well the second.  A place for me to disseminate the things I see from my standpoint, something I think that is not oft done well in lay terms.  

Architecture and art, and the world of design aesthetic is something that's scored in one of two categories, the intellectual, and the fluff.  In the world of magazines like Dwell, Arch Record, and Arch Digest, the world is only about one or the other.  The common man deserves to learn about design and how it affects them.  That is my hope here.

I'll be posting musings from life, as well as reviews and photos of buildings and places I visit, from museums, to stores, to hotels.  Think of it as a mash of equal parts Time Out, Fodors, Hannibal, and the Jetsons.  Wait.  Maybe not Fodors.  Add a splash of me and there you have it.

I hope that through this I can convey to my friends and anyone who reads this the importance and presence of what I feel connects us all more than language, that being the way we live, and the way the things around us make us feel, and emote through edifice to create where we are.  Oh and maybe you'll think my crazy life is fun too.

So welcome, the ribbon is cut, and the cut is bleeding profusely.

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